110+ Ultimate Fun – Never Have i Ever Questions for Couples

Discovering new things about your partner is always fun & exciting. And, the best way to make it happen is with Never have i ever questions for couples. So, get ready to enjoy & feel butterflies.

never have i ever questions for couples

This game is my personal favorite. With over 9 years of our relationship, I have collected some of the best never have i ever questions for couples. Which, you can use to enjoy & play right away with your partner.

Never HAve i Ever Questions for Couples

Like every other article, I will break down these questions into 8 different categories, to simply pick according to your mood.

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Online Question games for couples

Have lots of exciting topics to talk about, and learn more about your partner.

Funny "Never have I Ever" Questions for couples

funny never have i ever questions for couples
  1. … used your deodorant or perfume
  2. … accidentally sent a text or message meant for you to someone else
  3. … laughed so hard during an intimate moment that it killed the mood
  4. … used baby talk or funny voices when talking to my partner
  5. … used a cheesy pickup line on my partner just for fun
  6. … accidentally called my partner by an ex’s name
  7. … used my partner’s razor or shaver without asking.
  8. … pretended to be asleep to avoid doing chores or responsibilities.
  9. … stolen the covers in bed and left my partner freezing.
  10. … used my partner’s toothbrush by mistake.

Flirty & Dirty "Never have I Ever" Questions for couples

dirty never have i ever questions for couples
  1. … flirted with someone while thinking about you.
  2. … had a steamy dream about you.
  3. … sent you a naughty text message or picture.
  4. … fantasized about you in a public place.
  5. … used a sexy nickname for you in private.
  6. … winked at you from across the room.
  7. … given you a sensual massage.
  8. … written you a love letter with explicit details.
  9. … whispered something naughty in your ear.
  10. … given you a seductive dance or striptease.

Intimate "Never have I Ever" Questions for Couples

intimate never have i ever questions for couples
  1. … written a love letter or a sensual note to you.
  2. … whispered something naughty in your ear in public.
  3. … used food in a playful and intimate way.
  4. … explored a specific fetish or kink with you.
  5. … written or shared an erotic story or fantasy involving both of us.
  6. … wanted a sexy photoshoot with you.
  7. … thought of mutual self-pleasure while watching each other.
  8. … imagined you in sensual and intimate dance.

Random "Never have I Ever" Questions for couples

  1. … dyed my hair a bold or unusual color.
  2. … participated in a talent show or competition.
  3. … won a contest or competition.
  4. … slept under the stars.
  5. … danced in the rain.
  6. … stayed up all night to watch a sunrise.
  7. … gone on a hot air balloon ride.

"Never have I Ever" Couple Questions for trust & Honesty

  1. … lied to you about something significant.
  2. … snooped through your personal belongings without your knowledge.
  3. … kept a secret from you that I should have shared.
  4. … pretended to like something just to impress you.
  5. … broken a promise or commitment I made to you.
  6. … checked your phone or social media without your permission.
  7. … ignored your calls or messages on purpose.
  8. … kept a dream or aspiration hidden from you.
  9. … pretended to enjoy a movie or TV show just to make you happy.
  10. … compared you to my exes.
  11. … kept old love letters or mementos from past relationships.
  12. … lied about our relationship status to someone else.

Deep "Never have I Ever" questions for couples effective communication.

deep never have i ever questions for couples
  1. … intentionally started an argument just to prove a point.
  2. … regretted something I did or said to you in the past.
  3. … complained about you to others behind your back.
  4. … avoided discussing important topics or issues to keep the peace.
  5. … ignored your advice and regretted it later.
  6. … resented you for spending time with your friends instead of me.
  7. … resented you for a decision we made together.
  8. … resented you for pursuing your personal goals or dreams.
  9. … questioned whether we communicate effectively as a couple.
  10. … kept my true feelings about a disagreement or argument bottled up inside.
  11. … felt hesitant to express my needs or desires within our relationship.
  12. … wished we had more frequent or deeper conversations about our emotions and feelings.
  13. … resented you for not participating in household chores or responsibilities.
  14. … questioned whether we truly understand each other’s needs and desires.
  15. … regretted the way we handled a disagreement or argument.
  16. … felt hesitant to open up about my insecurities or vulnerabilities with you.

Emotional "Never have i ever" Questions for Couples

emotional never have i ever questions for couples
  1. … resented you for not prioritizing our shared goals and dreams.
  2. … questioned whether we truly support and encourage each other’s personal growth.
  3. … resented you for not being more open and vulnerable in our conversations.
  4. … doubted whether we truly respect and honor each other’s boundaries and autonomy.
  5. … regretted the compromises we made for the sake of our social life or social obligations.
  6. … wished we had more spontaneous acts of kindness and appreciation in our relationship.
  7. … regretted the sacrifices we made for the sake of our mutual friends or social circle.
  8. … resented you for not actively seeking ways to keep the romance alive in our relationship.
  9. … doubted whether we truly understand and appreciate each other’s love languages and ways of expressing affection.
  10. … wished we had more quality time dedicated solely to reconnecting and strengthening our emotional bond.
  11. … regretted the sacrifices we made for the sake of our financial stability and security.
  12. … wished we had more shared rituals or traditions that create a sense of belonging and togetherness.
  13. … resented you for not actively seeking ways to keep the romance alive in our relationship.
  14. … questioned whether we truly understand and appreciate each other’s love languages and ways of expressing affection.
  15. … wished we had more quality time dedicated solely to reconnecting and strengthening our emotional bond.
  16. … regretted the sacrifices we made for the sake of our financial stability and security.
  17. … wished we had more shared rituals or traditions that create a sense of belonging and togetherness.
  18. … resented you for not actively participating in our shared hobbies or interests.
  19. … questioned whether we truly prioritize and nurture our emotional connection and intimacy.
  20. … wished we had more adventure and spontaneity in our romantic life.
  21. … regretted the compromises we made for the sake of our family or extended relatives.
  22. … resented you for not actively seeking personal growth and self-improvement within our relationship.

Relationship Satisfaction and Compatibility

“Never have I Ever” Questions for couples relationship satisfaction and compatibility

  1. … considered breaking up with you during a difficult time in our relationship.
  2. … compared our relationship to others in a negative way.
  3. … felt insecure about our relationship due to external influences.
  4. … resented you for not meeting certain expectations I had for our relationship.
  5. … doubted our ability to overcome challenges as a couple.
  6. … questioned our compatibility as a couple.
  7. … ever resented you for not supporting my dreams or aspirations.
  8. … resented you for spending too much time on your hobbies or interests.
  9. … wished we had more shared goals and aspirations.
  10. … resented you for not actively seeking personal growth and self-improvement within our relationship.
  11. … questioned whether our values and beliefs align.
  12. … resented you for not being more open to new experiences and adventures.
  13. … regretted the compromises we made for the sake of our long-term future together.
  14. … wished we had more shared values and beliefs that align with our long-term goals and plans.
  15. … questioned whether we truly share a vision for our future as a couple.
  16. … resented you for not actively seeking ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance in our relationship.

Individual Growth & Independence

“Never have i Ever” questions for couples personal space and growth.

personal never have i ever questions for couples
  1. … considered pursuing my personal goals or dreams without involving you in the decision-making process.
  2. … resented you for pursuing your personal goals or dreams without involving me in the decision-making process.
  3. … questioned whether we truly support and encourage each other’s personal growth.
  4. … resented you for not giving me enough space and independence within our relationship.
  5. … questioned whether we maintain a healthy balance between our individual needs and our commitment as a couple.
  6. … resented you for not respecting and honoring my individual boundaries and autonomy.
  7. … wished we had more opportunities for personal exploration and self-discovery within our relationship.
  8. … regretted the compromises we made for the sake of our individual growth and independence.
  9. … resented you for not actively seeking ways to support and nurture my personal growth and independence.


What is "Never Have I Ever"?

“Never Have I Ever” is a popular game where players take turns making statements about things they have never done. If someone in the group has done the thing mentioned, they lose a point.

How do I play "Never Have I Ever" with my partner?

Playing “Never Have I Ever” with your partner is simple and fun! Here’s how you can do it:

  • Sit facing each other and decide who will start the game.
  • Each of you should hold up all your fingers. This represents the number of lives you have in the game.
  • The starting player says something they have never done, starting the sentence with “Never have I ever.” For example, “Never have I ever traveled to Europe.”
  • If your partner has done what you mentioned, they lower one finger, losing one life. If they haven’t done it, they keep all their fingers up.
  • Then it’s your partner’s turn to say something they haven’t done, and the process continues back and forth.
  • The game keeps going, with each player taking turns and mentioning new things they haven’t done.
  • The game ends when one person has lowered all their fingers and runs out of lives. You can decide on a reward or a fun consequence for the winner or loser if you like.

Are there specific questions for couples?

Yes, “Never Have I Ever” questions for couples are tailored to topics and experiences that are relevant to relationships. These questions can help couples explore their shared experiences, discuss new things, and strengthen their bond.

Can "Never Have I Ever" questions for couples be used for different relationship stages?

Absolutely! Whether you’re in a new relationship or have been together for a long time, “Never Have I Ever” questions can be adapted to suit your relationship stage. You can choose questions that are appropriate and relevant to your current situation.

Are these questions suitable for all couples?

It depends on the couple. Some questions may be more suitable for couples who are comfortable discussing personal topics, while others may prefer to stick to light-hearted and fun questions. Choose questions that both partners are comfortable with.

Can "Never Have I Ever" questions help connect better with my partner?

Absolutely! “Never Have I Ever” questions can be a fantastic way to connect with your partner on a deeper level. By sharing experiences and discovering new things about each other, you’ll foster a stronger bond and create opportunities for meaningful conversations.

What if some questions make us uncomfortable?

It’s important to prioritize comfort and respect in any conversation. If a question feels too personal or makes either of you uncomfortable, it’s perfectly fine to skip it and move on to the next one. The goal is to create a safe and enjoyable experience for both partners.

Tips to play "Never have i Ever" Questions for couples

  • Set the Mood
  • Establish the Rules
  • Take Turns
  • Answer Honestly
  • Share Stories
  • Respect Boundaries
  • Enjoy and Connect


Hope you enjoyed our list of “Never Have I Ever” questions for couples. Use these questions, to make your relationship super exciting. And, playing it often can uncover your partners experiences and desires. This game will encourage you to share stories, laugh together, and deepen your connection on a more intimate level.

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